Good morning.
So, we've hit the 100-day mark. What will the traditional media and the pundits have to talk about tomorrow? I don't think they've established the next fake milestone yet.
In the wake of the Specter switch, I think we need to thank Dick Cheney, George Bush, FOX News, Hannity, Rush, Beck, Coulter, Newt, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and all the other rabidly right wingers. Sure, they annoy us. But, over the past few years, their inanity and extremism has led the Republican Party to its new weakened status. They've turned off the American people -- and a lot of former Republicans. So, sure, they're infuriating, but look where they've taken the GOP. So, to that whole gang: Keep it up. And, thanks. Thanks for a Democrat in the White House and large majorities in the House and Senate.
Let's get it started.
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