Mexican authorities now believe they have identified the person who spread the disease while going door to door. She was also the first reported death. Also, from the sound of things, Smithfield Foods (factory farming company) chose La Gloria, Mexico because of easy business laws which one has to wonder if that included lax health standards for the farm. Knowing the sorry state of the US factory food industry and their "let industry self regulate" it won't be a surprise if we learn about problems with that factory farm that lead to the outbreak.
The first person to die of swine flu was a 39-year-old tax inspector whose job required her to make door-to-door visits, putting her in contact with at least 300 unsuspecting members of the public when the disease was at its most virulent, Mexican authorities have said.The good news is that the death toll in Mexico is stabilizing though again, new cases are emerging globally as visitors from Mexico travel.
Maria Adela Gutierrez, a census-taker in the southern tourist city of Oaxaca, was admitted to a local hospital on 8 April and died five days later. She'd been suffering acute respiratory problems, exacerbated by diabetes and severe diarrhoea, and is believed to have infected scores of people.