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GOP leader Rush wants Specter to take McCain (and Meghan)

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Rush, the titular leader of the Republican Party, wants to continue the purge. From CNN's Political Ticker:

Conservative host Rush Limbaugh said Tuesday he isn't sorry to see Arlen Specter leave the GOP — and that many Republicans wish the Pennsylvania senator would take a few others with him when he goes.

"A lot of people say, 'Well, Specter, take [Sen. John] McCain with you. And his daughter [Meghan]. Take McCain and his daughter with you if you're gonna…" he told listeners, dissolving in laughter.

"…..It's ultimately good. You're weeding out people who aren't really Republicans," he said.
It is ultimately good -- for the Democrats. Rush is weeding out anyone who is remotely moderate. He is shrinking the GOP.

Keep it up, Rush.

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