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Chicago's Cardinal: It's an "extreme embarrassment" that Obama is speaking at Notre Dame

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Okay, most people would think protecting child molesters and harboring Nazi apologists would be extremely embarrassing for an organization. But, most people aren't leaders of the Catholic Church, which has incredibly misplaced priorities:

Cardinal Francis George is urging Catholics "to call, to e-mail, to write letters" about the "extreme embarrassment" the University of Notre Dame has caused by inviting President Barack Obama to speak at its commencement next month.

But George acknowledged, at a weekend conference on human dignity and infertility, that the South Bend university is "not going to disinvite the president ... no matter what you do."
The Catholic Cardinals and Archbishops kissed George Bush's ass for eight years. They never held him accountable. Ever.

The cardinal should be telling people to call, to email, to write letters to Congress to pass the budget so the U.S. can get the economy moving again. That sounds like a better use of time and resources when people are losing their jobs and their homes.

Except for those crazy Catholics fanatics like Bill Donohue, no one else really cares. In fact, I checked with one of the most devout Catholics I know, my mother, Rita, who was adamant:
I think it's great. There isn't any reason he shouldn't. The church should put more time into helping people and get over it. I'm just happy that Notre Dame isn't stopping him.
I trust my mother's instincts on this more than any Catholic bishop.

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