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Eric Cantor's buddy, Rush Limbaugh, opines about "anal poisoning"

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24 hours before the #2 Republican in the House, Eric Cantor, says publicly that Rush Limbaugh is the person he looks to for ideas on how to solve the economic crisis, Cantor's buddy Limbaugh says the following about Gordon Brown's kind words about Barack Obama in London. Mind you, they were at a summit to address the economic crisis:

"The slobbering... this guy... Folks I'm telling you, he, if he keeps this up throughout the G20, Gordon Brown will come down with anal poisoning and may die from it."

Yes yes, Limbaugh is an idiot, so who cares? Well, when you have the number two Republican in the US House of Representatives praising this idiot as the man with ideas, then we should all be concerned. It's not like the Republicans are a permanent minority party, yet.

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