UPDATE: 12 miners are ALIVE!!!! Apparently the mystery of the evening is why Cindy Sheehan was arrested and what, if anything, did her t-shirt actually say. CNN is reportedly now saying she was wearing a t-shirt that simply said "Stop War" or something. I mean, come on people, how hard is it to find out what the woman was wearing?
First off, if you're going to wear the t-shirt, you take your jacket off AFTER Bush starts speaking, not before he arrives - then there's nothing they can do and the cameras will all be on you. Second, still looks bad arresting one of your chief critics minutes before your speech. Police state, anyone?
Ooh, Will Bunch has more. Sheehan's tshirt said simply:
2,245 Dead — How Many More??More from Will:
Did you know that in 1971, the Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional to arrest a man who wore a "F--- the Draft" T-shirt into the courthouse? (Cohen v. California, you can look it up.) So now Alito's on the court for 45 minutes and your civil liberties are already going down the toilet. You were warned.