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Report: 84 year old grandmother allegedly strip searched by TSA

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Let's hope there's some confusion in this story because this is excessive even by TSA standards. The TSA is claiming that a strip search never happened and that they followed proper procedure but the alleged victim says otherwise. The TSA has a credibility issue but let's see what more research brings up. NY Daily News:

An 85-year-old Long Island grandmother says she plans to sue the TSA after a humiliating strip search on Tuesday by agents at JFK Airport.

Lenore Zimmerman, who lives in Long Beach, says she was on her way to a 1 p.m. flight to Fort Lauderdale when security whisked her to a private room and took off her clothes.

“I walk with a walker — I really look like a terrorist,” she said sarcastically. “I’m tiny. I weigh 110 pounds, 107 without clothes, and I was strip-searched.”

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