- The full Grover Norquist 'Tax Pledge' is actually to never raise taxes on the 1%. Raising taxes on the rest of us is fine.
- Republicans enjoy killing people: Electric fences are good, executions better, wars are best. They also like torture.
- It is OK for a Republican to air campaign ads with intentional misrepresentations of opponents.
- Allegations of sexual harassment and assault are not a bar to being the GOP nominee but alleged consensual adultery is.
- Other things that do not disqualify a candidate include; not knowing the US embassy in Iran has been closed for 31 years or not knowing that China has nuclear weapons
- It is OK for a Republican who demonstrates he knows absolutely nothing about Libya to trash the President's handling of the situation.
- When a Republican says they know what they don't know, what they don't know is likely to be absolutely everything.
- It is OK for what they don't know to include the fact that they are running for President of the United States, not elected dictator.
- Contrary to claims of achieving an economic miracle, things have got so bad in Texas that the state faces an epidemic of horses abandonded because the owners can't afford to feed them.
- They think that the Tea Partiers will reject a candidate who has spent all their time in Washington but accept a $0.50 billionaire instead.
- The Republican idea of winning a negotiation is to force the President to accept some plan that his base hate, even when they are going hate it even more when they actually understand the implications and it is exactly what the President wanted all along.
OK, that is not everything you might want to know about Republicans (and it is very probably much more than you want). But it should be all you need to know.