Oh my. You might have heard that a few days ago the Delaware Department of Transportation got into a wee bit of trouble with some literature they distributed for their diversity training. It seems the Delaware DOT decided to list things you should not say to a gay, black, Asian, disabled, or Latino cowker. Well, some people were a tad offended when the document, for example, advised not to ask Asian-American coworkers to recommend a good Chinese restaurant. You have to read the document. As reader Robert, who sent it to me, said, it's like something out of the Onion. It's absolutely hysterical. And I have a copy. Enjoy.
Having said all of that, I feel a bit bad for these folks. They were trying to do good. And I could honestly see someone being stupid enough to say a lot of these things for real. So the warnings are valid. But still. What do you think - does it go too far, even though it's simply warning people what NOT to do?
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A Jew, a gay and a black guy go into a bar...
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