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After being browbeaten to say something, Steele issues watered down statement on legalization of gay marriage in Maine today

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Earlier today, the RNC said GOP chairman Michael Steele wouldn't be saying anything about the legalization of gay marriage today in Maine. Well, you can guess how well that went over with the fundamentalist Christians who control the Republican party. True to form, Steele has now flip-flopped and issued a statement kind of sort of condemning Maine's action. It's one of the most legalistic, tepid "denunciations" on gay marriage ever issued from any Republican, let alone the chairman of the party:

“Our party platform articulates our opposition to gay marriage and civil unions, positions shared by many Americans. I believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman and strongly disagree with Maine’s decision to legalize gay marriage.”
Did you catch that? Our party platform says it's wrong. Not God. Not morality. Not a majority of Americans. But our party platform. Then Steele says that "he" believes that marriage is between a man and a woman. He doesn't say America believes, etc., just he. What's more, he strongly disagrees, rather than condemns. And finally, most telling of all, Steele says that the party platform believes marriage is between a man and a woman, a position "shared by many Americans." Many Americans? Not most? Not a majority? Just "many."

Of course, new polls shows that more Americans support gay marriage than opposite it. So Steele felt he couldn't lie and claim that a majority of Americans disapprove. Still, what an incredibly week statement from the chairman of "the" conservative party.

They're floundering, folks. Steele didn't want to say boo about Maine. He didn't want to fan the flames of extremism and drive even more moderates out of the Republican party, if there are any even left. But in the end, he kowtowed, like he always does, to the conservative base that controls the ever-shrinking GOP.

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