Republicans looking to recover from Bush-era defeats are turning to an unlikely source for advice: top aides to former President George W. Bush.Yes, the Bush White House. The gold standard for Republican communications. So good at messaging, they handed the House, Senate and White House to the Democrats and brought the Republican party down to a shocking 20% self-identification.
Former White House press secretary Dana Perino, former Bush counselor Ed Gillespie and former White House deputy press secretary Tony Fratto are among those set to provide words of wisdom to House Republican press secretaries at their annual workshop this Friday.
GOP House Conference Communications Director Matt Lloyd said Perino, Gillespie and Fratto represented “the gold standard for Republican communications professionals” and were obvious choices to advise the party’s messengers.
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The "new GOP" hires Bush's top White House aides to teach it how to be "new"
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