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Is Cantor suggesting that the GOP will go pro-gay and pro-choice?

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The number two Republican in the House said the following yesterday at a meeting meant to revive the GOP:

"It is about time to be an inclusive as we can," said Cantor recently of the town halls, which are being organized by a new group -- that he is leading -- known as the National Council for a New America. "What we are aiming to do it to join together in hopes of beginning a conversation with the American people."

...That same poll showed that social issues -- like gay marriage -- are of declining potency in a political context. Forty-nine percent of the sample said they supported the idea of gay people being allowed to marry while 46 percent opposed it, a drastic shift from a 2006 Post/ABC poll where opposition (58 percent) to gay marriage far outstripped support (36 percent) for the idea.
As inclusive as they can would mean embracing the gays. After all, every single story talking about the Republicans' exclusivity problem mentions gay rights as an increasing albatross around the neck of the GOP. So what else could Cantor have meant? Maybe the religious right can get the Mormons to give them another $1.5m to do attack ads against the GOP now (a storm of tolerance and equality is coming...)

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