Warts and all, I'll take it. Yes, it won't be perfect and I'm sure there will be moments that are infuriating much like during the 9/11 commission but it's still better than letting Congress doddle and do nothing. There is so much blame to go around on this meltdown and neither party are immune from playing their own role. Exposing even a small bit of this will be valuable. We're all going to have major frustrations but at least we won't be subjected to the President sitting on the lap of the VP during testimony. Surely it can't get that pathetic...can it? The Huffington Post:
The House of Representatives came to agreement on Monday afternoon on the establishment of a 9/11-styled commission that would be independent of Congress and granted the power of subpoena to investigate the origins of the financial crisis.
Aides on the Hill said that the House will likely vote on the measure Wednesday, adding that the chances of passage were high. The office of the bill's cosponsor, Congressman Darrell Issa, said the legislation would be similar to that recently passed by the Senate.