Good morning.
I've been in Sedona, Arizona for a couple days. (No invitation to the McCain ranch, yet anyway.) Beautiful country. It's red. All red. The rocks are red. My shoes and socks are now red. Also, saw the Grand Canyon yesterday. Wow. It truly is awesome. There were lots of signs for elk crossing -- and I did see two.
Arizona is three hours behind my usual time zone and I still haven't quite adjusted.
Last night, South Park repeated the classic Easter Bunny episode featuring the vile, racist homophobe, Bill Donohue. It's a holiday classic. In the spirit of the holiday, I won't include the segment where Donohue is sliced in half (for which he called the South Park creators "whores and cowards"), but this clip captures the flavor:
Trying to catch up on the news and what happened while I've been away. Having fun, but I really miss Petey.
What is the news?
Elections | Economic Crisis | Jobs | TSA | Limbaugh | Fun Stuff

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