comsc US Politics | AMERICAblog News: Catholic priests don't want Obama to speak at Notre Dome. No word on whether they're as concerned about pedophiles and Nazi sympathizers among them.
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Catholic priests don't want Obama to speak at Notre Dome. No word on whether they're as concerned about pedophiles and Nazi sympathizers among them.

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In honor of Joe, and his never-ending ire about his own faith's leadership, here's a little ditty about a bunch of Catholic priests at Holy Cross who are very upset that President Obama is speaking at Notre Dame. This is part of the Catholic Church's ongoing effort to become a holy-owned subsidiary of the Republican party. Well, that is when they're not enabling pedophiles and coddling Nazi-sympathizers. Perhaps it's time someone asked those priests what their position is on the Holocaust, and whether they'd let a Holocaust denier speak. (It'd be also great to get their position on pedophilia.) Until we hear what we should be hearing on those topics, these priests are nothing more than Republicans in drag.

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