Lead Republican intellectual Michael Savage, writing on one of the most important publications for the right wing noise machine, WingNutDaily, is concerned about a new report about domestic extremists issued by Homeland Security. Apparently, Savage is convinced that the report is proof that "rogue homosexual elements" are operating within Homeland Security.
Who are these rogue homosexual elements? Do you think they hang out in the 2M4M chat room?
It turns out that Big Sis [Napolitano] has just issued a report that warns against the possibility of violence by so-called "right-wing extremists."Uh no. But being anti-gay isn't a get out of jail free card if you're batshit crazy.
The report says that these dangerous right-wingers engage in "exploitation of social issues such as … same-sex marriage." What this means is that even though state after state has rejected gay marriage every time it has been put to a vote of the people, if you oppose the destruction of traditional marriage, if you oppose the gay mafia, then you are suspect. If you aren't happy with her "lifestyle choice," Big Sis will put you on her list.
It seems that rogue homosexual elements within Homeland Security are engaging in extra-constitutional activity. Where is the Republican Party to protect us from this rogue Obama government? Who will be next on the list? The Navy SEALs that shot the Somali pirates? Talk show hosts? Only Big Sis knows for sure.Michael Savage sounds a bit cranky. Someone clearly didn't get teabagged today.