Feisty. Smart. Incisive. Not putting up with any bs.
These are not adjectives I'd normally use to describe CNN host Don Lemon. He's usually quite smiley and affable - but the man was on fire recently, hosting a panel discussion on gay marriage. I called Joe and told him about it, and we were both stunned. I've always felt that CNN was into the whole pretty-boy and pretty-girl thing during their afternoon shows. FOX has its blonde bimbos, and CNN wanted a few bimbos and himbos of their own. And no offense to Lemon, but he always had smiling himbo written all over his forehead.
Then there was this little broadcast, below, from a few days ago. Watch it. He's great. Amazing, in fact. Which means that Lemon isn't just another pretty face (he just plays one on TV?). He's damn good, in fact. Then why doesn't he do this more often? Seriously, watch the video. He doesn't let the guests get away with any BS. He knows the subject matter. He's entertaining AND educational. He's basically Jack Cafferty.
This is what we're always complaining about, or the lack of this - this is an example of what we wish the media would do more of. Unplug your hosts. Let them be smart. Let them take a stand. That's the true lesson of FOX. Sure, FOX is a bit too big on the T&A, and we can do without that. But they're also big on making every single person on that network have and exude a personality and an opinion. It's the one thing they do right (though for all the wrong reasons.) CNN's viewers can take it. And they may even like it.
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CNN's Don Lemon, unplugged
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