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Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai sworn in as PM

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It would be great to see this power sharing arrangement work out, but this falls into the "trust but verify" category. Mugabe will never give up power and will never allow anyone to question his domination of the military and police. If the UN or AU wants to remain relevant, they need to inject themselves into this situation immediately to prevent additional violence. To be continued... (hat tip Cat)

The former opposition leader addressed thousands of cheering supporters after being sworn-in under a power-sharing deal with President Robert Mugabe.

Mr Mugabe, who administered the oath to his long-standing rival, has promised to co-operate in the unity government.

Zimbabwe faces rampant inflation, a cholera epidemic and 90% unemployment.

The international community has promised additional aid to the country only if real changes take place.

Addressing a rally at a stadium in Harare, Mr Tsvangirai said the government had to "get the country working again".

"The first priority is to stabilise the economy," he said. "The economic collapse has forced millions of our most able to flee the country. This must end today."

Calling for an end to political violence, he said Zimbabwe could "no longer afford brother against brother, because one happened to have a different political opinion".

He said the government would make food "available and affordable", and promised to focus on the cholera crisis that has killed more than 3,400 people.

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