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They've got a deal on Capitol Hill for $789 billion stimulus

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CNN just broadcast a press conference with Majority Leader Harry Reid and several senators including Republicans Collins, Specter and Snowe. Reid announced that the Senate and House conferees have reached a deal on the stimulus package. He expects a final vote in the next day or two.

All the details have yet to emerge. Here's the Washington Post's first take:

House and Senate negotiators reached agreement today on a stimulus plan with a cost of about $789 billion after scaling down the versions passed by both houses, congressional leaders announced.

"The differences between the Senate and House versions were resolved," Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) told reporters this afternoon.

He said the final version "creates more jobs than the original Senate bill and spends less than the original House bill." The bill passed by the Senate yesterday totaled $838 billion. The House version approved last week had a price tag of $819 billion.

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