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In defense of Geithner

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Nate Silver takes an unusual position:

Nobody, absolutely nobody, has more incentive to get this right than the Obama Administration. If the economy collapses -- well, more than it already has -- then the Democrats get slaughtered in 2010, Obama is a one-termer, health care doesn't happen, the poverty rate increases by a degree of freedom or two, and the imperative to fix the environment gets put on the backburner. To suggest that Obama or Geithner are tools of Wall Street is freaking asinine. Maybe their ideas are wrong -- but their hearts are in the right place.
Well, I'm not sure it's his heart that some are worried about. Chris often points to the fact that Geithner was at the Fed while Wall Street was getting away with financial murder. Geithner may simply be the wrong-headed, but good-hearted, man for the job.

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