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Taxpayers may have to cover octuplet mom's costs

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She's was already on public assistance - getting food stamps and disability payments - with her first six kids when she decided to have eight more. She even used her state disability income to do the in vitro for all 14 kids.

Suleman received disability payments for an on-the-job back injury during a riot at a state mental hospital, collecting more than $165,000 over nearly a decade before the benefits were discontinued last year.

Some of the disability money was spent on in vitro fertilizations, which was used for all 14 of her children, Suleman said.
And the hospital is asking the state Medicaid program to pick up the cost for the birth and subsequent multi-month hospitalization of the additional 8 kids.

One columnist used the word "grotesque" to describe the situation, and he's right.

Like I said from the beginning: I so called it.

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