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Palin's son-in-law gets job that may be illegal nepotism job

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The Alaska Hillbillies just keep giving and giving.

How is it possible that the governor's soon-to-be son-in-law, Levi Johnston, is working as an apprentice on the North Slope?

The governor, in trying to dispel rumors the father of her grandchild is a high school dropout, released this statement this past week,

"Levi is continuing his online high school work in addition to working as an electrical apprentice on the North Slope."

But federal regulations require all members of apprentice programs, union or otherwise, to first obtain a high school diploma, something the governor's soon-to-be son-in- law does not have. Some apprentice programs even require the completion of high school level algebra or the post-secondary equivalent.
Apparently, there's also a long waiting list to get these jobs, and Levi appears to have jumped to the head of the line. Palin seems to think she's running the Chicago Park District, circa 1975, where the jobs were aplenty if you knew the right guy.

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