There were three Hispanic Cabinet appointees (Richardson, Solis, Salazar). With Richardson dropping out, there still are two.
Obama made sure that his cabinet reflected America, including African-Americans, women, Asian-Americans and Latinos. And good for him. Gays, however, were the only major Democratic constituency excluded from the Cabinet (well, along with Jews). Either we are for diversity, or we're not. But it is simply not tolerable for the Democratic party to embrace diversity when it comes to every other constituency, then to suddenly claim we don't have litmus tests for Cabinet jobs (or anything else) when the nominee happens to be gay. Obama had no problem reaching out to evangelicals with the Rick Warren pick. It's time to reach out to gay and lesbian Americans too.
Unless the next Cabinet appointee is openly gay, I think there's going to be additional damage between Obama and the gay community. It's looking as if we have overt "quotas" for Cabinet secretaries that explicitly exclude openly gay and lesbian Obama supporters.
Not to mention, why aren't gay community leaders demanding an appointment? Especially after the Rick Warren fiasco. Fred Hochberg, for example, would seem an obvious choice for Commerce.
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Hispanic leaders demanding "another Hispanic" in the Cabinet (they already have two)
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