In the past 48 hours or so, some people have had problems accessing the blog. It seems to be dependent on where you're located, and it seems to be associated with the .org address of our site, If you've been having any problems, please post where you are, city and state and country at least, in the thread, and maybe we can get our collective geekhood together to figure out if someone (gee, someone in the telecom industry perhaps?) is messing with access to this blog.
Having said that, this could simply be another blogger problem (what a surprise that would be).
One thing I keep hearing is that folks aren't getting updates to the blog, they're seeing posts from a few days ago as the top posts, or they're getting a blank page with the word "ok" on it.
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We have a bit of a technical mystery at AMERICAblog, I'd like your help determining if someone is playing games
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