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Alito's wife cried today

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Yes. Her husband joins a racist, sexist group in college, he doesn't think women should be able to control their own uterus, and his wife cries when her husband faces some pretty wimpy questioning from Democratic Senators? Then Senator Graham (R-SC) chastizes Democrats for being so vicious in their questioning. So vicious?

Oh how I wish the Democrats were vicious. The most vicious thing the Democrats did throughout the days of hearings so far was to make us listen to Joe Biden blather on in a self-absorbed coma for 20 minutes while the rest of us yelled at the TV screen for him to ask one question, any question, rather than just treat a pivotal Supreme Court nomination as just another opportunity to show off for the camera. Does anyone in this party have any balls? And they wonder why the American people don't vote for Democrats. They have yet to be given a reason to.

Yes, Mrs. Alito cried today.

And I've been crying for five years.

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