UPDATE: They passed it by voice vote, to hide the bigots. And AP totally missed the real story.
I just heard this on ABC News. They're apparently holding the vote late tonight so they won't have to have a real roll-call vote (i.e., individual Senators won't have to vote up or down). The reason? So they can hide the 12 or so Senators who apparently think it's bad politics back home to sign onto a resolution that apologizes for not passing anti-lynching legislation sooner. Apparently, southern Senators fillibustered efforts to pass such legislation for years.
I don't care if they're Democrats or Republicans, I want to know who isn't supporting this legislation. We have a right to know, and to know why anybody in either party would permit the basically-secret vote to take place this evening in order to his who these bigots really are.
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Over a dozen US Senators refuse to sign on to anti-lynching resolution
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