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GOP campaign gaffes of the day

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The latest crop of GOP campaign gaffes remind me of the scene in Towering Inferno when some of the panicked people trapped on the top floor rush the "breeches buoy" to save their skins [didn't go so well].

In no particular order:

Cain (21%) responding to his Libya gaffe has declared that 'we need a leader not a reader'. [Because leaders are the sort of people who engage in trash talk that only exposes their own ignorance then suggest that what is needed is a 'leader'.]

Cain also spent time discussing plans for his Presidential Library and post-Presidential speaking career. [Umm, why not just skip the actual presidency part and jump straight on-board the gravy train? For Cain, the country, its a win-win.]

Bachmann (3%) refuses to be waterboarded on the grounds that she is already President and they don't do that sort of thing.

Gingrich (12%) voted the candidate most trusted with nuclear weapons in a Fox News Poll. The same poll puts him in the lead over Romney. [Good for Newt, but what does that say about his rivals?]

Santorum (Too low to measure) has joined Occupy Wall Street.

Romney (Never more than 21%) appeared to have dropped off the face of the earth until this morning's Globe story that he and his staff had deleted emails before he left the Massachusetts governor's office to campaign for President in breach of a State law requiring records to be preserved.

Perry (11%) has challenged Nancy Pelosi to debate. [If Pelosi's office bothers to reply expect it to be in the form of a copy of the US constitution with 'What part of co-equal branch of government don't you get? scrawled across the top with a Sharpie. Oh wait, she did reply.]

Perry has also opined that Obama, 'Never Had To Work For Anything'. [Because we all know that single mothers living off of food stamps are so 1%]

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