Good morning.
Almost every weekday morning for eight years, at right around 8:00 a.m., I'd hear Dick Cheney's motorcade roar down Connecticut Avenue. A lot of times, he would go by in the afternoon when I was out walking the dog. Cheney was a very ugly constant presence. After the inauguration, I really thought that of all of the Bush team, Cheney would be the one to fade into oblivion. He was so unpopular and despised, I figured he'd go off with his vile wife and just make more money -- out of the spotlight. Who knew we'd still have Dick Cheney to kick around? He's actually a gift to the Democrats. Every time Cheney opens his mouth, he brings back the bad old days for the GOP.
Because Cheney has put himself back into the news, Ed Schultz was able to go off on Cheney this week. It's good:
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