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Democrats can avoid filibuster games on health care reform. The question is whether they will.

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UPDATE 2:36 PM: Word leaking from the Hill, via The New Republic, is that a deal has been reached to push health care using the reconciliation process -- and even includes a firm date to complete the process: October 15.

For Christ sakes, Democratic Senators, you've won big in the past two elections because people want change -- and want an end to the GOP's obstructionist games. Use the reconciliation process to pass health care. If the situation were reversed, the Republicans wouldn't think twice about rolling over the Democrats. Reconciliation is what's in play. The success of health care reform is what's at stake:

Reconciliation instructions, included in the House budget but not in the Senate's version, would allow healthcare and education measures to move forward in the upper chamber with just a simple majority instead of the 60 votes needed for most contentious legislation.

Conrad told reporters that he doesn't want to use reconciliation rules to pass healthcare reform but that he is feeling pressure to include the option in the budget resolution from House members and the Obama administration.

There are "three prongs that are involved in any budget discussion -- Senate, House and the White House," Conrad said. "And the White House and the House are insisting on [reconciliation]."

Asked if it was impossible to resist them, Conrad said, "We'll see."

Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) also called for reconciliation rules for healthcare on Thursday, the first time he has done so publicly.

When asked by the New York Times whether reconciliation instructions would be included, Reid replied, "I hope so, but it's up to the conferees."
Note to Kent Conrad: The Democratic base, a lot of your allies and a whole lot of Americans are insisting on health care reform this year. Don't blow it. So, when you say "we'll see," you better see how to do it.

And, note to Harry Reid: Be a leader on this.

Part of this is probably gamesmanship and that whole Senate comity thing (which only Democrats seem to practice.) But, it could be a problem. This issue will be decided by a House-Senate conference working out differences in the budget. So, the Democrats fully control the process. It's all theirs.

I've said many times that my biggest concern about health care reform is the Democrats. This article shows why. Democrats have a very important tool, reconciliation, to move forward. Instead, Senate Democrats might not use that tool.

If the Democrats don't use the reconciliation rules, every effort to pass health care reform will face a filibuster. We'll never get anything done.

Meanwhile, everyone on Capitol Hill enjoys really good health care benefits. If they don't pass effective reform, they should all forfeit what they've got.

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