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With financial institutions in ruins, McCain economic adviser lectures Americans that everything is fine

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Oops. Bad timing for one of McCain's top economic advisers to be penning an op ed in the Washington Post lecturing Americans to suck it up and stop exaggerating (rhymes with whining) about how bad the economy is. This guy looks like an idiot. And he makes McCain look like an idiot. I sure hope tomorrow is economy day in Obama land.

Just as importantly, consider the fact that McCain's top economic advisers are clearly divorced from the reality of what's really happening to our economy. Does that sound familiar to anyone? John McCain trying to call black white. Trying to peddle lies as truth. Whether he's attacking Obama, praising Palin, or trying to convince Americans that the economy is just swell and they're nuts to think otherwise, John McCain has decided that lying to you is the best way to win the election. Either that, or McCain has lost his mind. And let's not forget, McCain already admitted that he knows nothing about the economy. An inexperienced economic novice who only cares about fighting (and starting) wars. What a great man to pick as our president with the economy on the brink.

(Chris wrote more about McCain's idiotic economics adviser earlier today, as did Joe about the exploding financial crisis.)

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