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US leads the world in economic loss from violent crime

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So naturally the NRA and their Republican friends believe that the answer to violent crime is more guns. That's the policy they have been pitching in recent years after hideous attacks such as the Virginia Tech shootings. The bloodlust in the GOP, both foreign and domestic, has always been morally wrong but now it is clear that it's also costing the country a lot of money.

The United States leads the world in economic loss from deaths caused by armed crime, according to a global survey released Friday.

The U.S. registered an estimated loss of up to $45.1 billion in terms of economic productivity because of violent crimes, said the report by the U.N. Development Program and the Geneva-based Small Arms Survey.

At least 490,000 people are killed in armed crimes each year worldwide, placing a huge economic cost and social burden on nations, the report said.

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