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"McCain's straight talk has become a toxic mix of lies and double-speak."

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This is what John McCain has become. The St. Petersburg Times doesn't hold back. The title of today's editorial is "Campaign of lies disgraces McCain." That's right: McCain is lying. He's disgraceful:

This nation is facing real challenges on the economy, health care, jobs and the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are significant differences between how Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain would address them. But McCain's recent campaign ads suggest the most vital issues are whether Obama wanted to teach sex education to kindergarten children and whether he derided the Republican's running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, by talking about lipstick on a pig.

McCain's straight talk has become a toxic mix of lies and double-speak. It is leaving a permanent stain on his reputation for integrity, and it is a short-term strategy that eventually will backfire with the very types of independent-thinking voters that were so attracted to him.
McCain's campaign of lies is the completion of his transformation into George Bush. There was a time (I never believed it, but there was a time) when McCain was considered a "straight talker. He's abandoned all pretense of the old John McCain to become the next George Bush.

We've already had eight years of a president who thought so little of the American people that he lied to us repeatedly. McCain is has proven he can match Bush on lying and distorting the truth.

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