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Iraqi news employees weigh in on four years of US occupation (hysterical, and sad)

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An absolutely hysterical, and sad, report from Iraq from the employees of McClatchy Newspapers. One employee ruminated about the good things that have come from the US occupation:

Yesterday Iraqis and the whole world kept talking about the memories of the war and some of the most important political developments in Iraq. Some Arabic reports concentrated on other sides especially the economical ones reflecting the reality in their own way. As an Iraqi, I feel I can't be more accurate than any channel because I lived the four years in Iraq. So lets see some of the most important achievements done by the great Iraqi and American administrations....

-- Some Iraqis became cleverer and they started to invent new ways in killing each other, stealing from each other, hiding weapons, kidnapping and cheating....

-- Iraqis [no longer] feel afraid of the electric shocks [from torture] because we have electricity power for only two hours a day or three hours as a maximum. The rest of the day we have to use small Chinese generator that cost something like 100 $ which are not really powerful enough to kill people.

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