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Durbin on FDA response to pet food scandal: "inexcusable"

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The FDA is little more than a pathetic excuse and hollow shell of it's former self. The organization believes its mission is to protect business interests instead of protecting citizens from harmful food both for human consumption as well as for the pets that we love.

The unexpected appearance of the Appropriations Committee Chairman, Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.), drove home the message that the issue is one that matters deeply to millions.

In rambling but heartfelt statements and queries, Byrd discussed his Shih Tzu, whom his late wife named Trouble, he said, and whom he calls Baby. The dog often spends his day at the Senate.

"As a pet owner and dog-lover, I join with many millions of Americans in anxiously hoping I didn't poison my dog with a special snack or serving of food," said the Senate's most senior member.
I think plenty of Americans share the same sentiment as Senator Byrd. It's time for serious change at the FDA.

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