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Church leaders from South Africa speak out on Zimbabwe crisis

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Thank goodness Desmond Tutu started this trend of criticizing the sad events in Zimbabwe. Tutu deserves a lot of credit for speaking his mind on a lot of issues and being spot on. Now that the barrier has been broken, more voices are coming forward such as two Catholic Church leaders from South Africa.

"The church is challenging SADC leaders because they are silent and letting this oppression go on," Bishop Dowling said during a prayer service in Bulawayo, second city in the country, late Thursday.

"Our political leaders by their silence are cooperating in the oppression of Zimbabweans and we are going to tell this," he said.

The two bishops, who were hosted by Bulawayo Archbishop Pius Ncube -- an outspoken critic of Mugabe -- compared the current situation in Zimbabwe to that of South Africa under apartheid.

"Apartheid did what the current regime is doing to Zimbabweans. Listening to your stories has helped us remember and realise that the oppression here and the oppression we endured is very similar," Dowling said.

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