Bush is staying the course. He just said so on TV. He's going to keep fighting his civil war, keep escalating in the face of disaster, even if every American soldier has to die for his folly. And if you don't want Bush killing all of our soldiers recklessly, killing all of our soldiers simply to spare his own boyish ego, then you're the one who hates the troops, you're the one who's "undercutting the troops." You see, in order to show your support for the troops, you need to kill them. That's how Republicans support the troops, they send our troops to their deaths because they're too embarrassed to call the whole thing off and admit they're wrong. We saw how Bush supports the troops. He let our injured troops sleep in their own urine. He left them unattended while maggots infested their open wounds. That's how Bush supports our troops. He hasn't supported the troops, living or dead, since this war began. It's all about the ego of an under-achieving spoiled brat.
It's time to take away the car keys.
PS He's back to using the word "Democrat" instead of "Democratic" in order to slur Democrats. He said he'd stop, he didn't. What a surprise. We are, after all, dealing with the mind of a ten year old.
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Bush say more troops must die to spare his ego
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