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Major Evangelical group slams torture, embraces environment

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That's civil war in the religious right. You'll recall that the National Association of Evangelicals is the group that was run by Ted Haggard, the gay-prostitute-frequenting meth-buyer (I know, it's hard to keep them all straight). They represent 30m American Evangelicals - that's half of all Evangelicals. That's huge. Especially since the rest of the religious right leadership have refused to condemn the US military policies on torture, and have refused to express any concern at all about global warming. In fact, the more extreme elements of the religious right, the ones that have endorsed the far-right of the Republican party, tried to get the spokesman of NAE fired for issuing pro-environmental statements. So this is rather huge, and gutsy, of NAE to finally take a stand for something Jesus would do - oppose torture and embrace being a true steward of the earth.

Diogenes may have finally found an honest Evangelical.

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