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FOX News freaks out that its debate got canceled

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Markos goes into the details, but I will note one point. FOX is complaining that liberals are afraid to go on FOX, but at the same time they claim that FOX isn't a conservative network. Well, then why would liberals be afraid to go on FOX when they go on every other network? My favorite quote is from Morton Kondracke, who used to be a big pundit in town:

If Fox, you know, was embarrassingly right wing or something like that, it would be plain for all to see.
Yes, "if" FOX was embarrassingly right wing (and in proper English it's "were," Morton, not "was" - though in fact, you're right, the subjunctive is only used if the stated fact isn't true, and in this case it is, so I stand corrected). FOX News has no liberal shows at all, while they have a slew of conservative shows. That's fair and balanced? Every single FOX News show is hosted by a conservative, and only one FOX News show has a token liberal as co-host. How is that "fair and balanced"? Of course it's not. Fair and balanced is, if you're going to have partisan hosts at all, having equal numbers of shows that skew right and left, OR having each show represented by a right host and a left host. In FOX's case, every single show has a conservative host, and only one show has a liberal c-host. End of discussion.

FOX got caught in the media henhouse, and it's no longer going to be treated as real media when in fact it's nothing more than the propaganda arm of the far-right of the Republican party. Just remember folks, FOX has been telling the nation for 4 years that the war in Iraq is actually going really well, but the mainstream media is lying to you. Now ask yourself how the war is really going, and then ask yourself why FOX told you otherwise.

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