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How the Condi killed Christmas

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Well, well, well. It seems the Bush administration is yet again leading the war on Christmas. Last year you'll recall it was George Bush's White House taking the lead by calling the national Christmas tree a 'holiday tree.' Fox News was close behind with their Happy Holidays ornaments.

Well, according to the Washington Post, Condi's State Department is telling our embassies around the world that they better not send any Christmas cards this year, and especially not in Muslim countries.

This raises an interesting question. Why is it okay, per holier-than-thous like Bush and the religious right, to impose Christmas on non-Christians in America (other than a few snafus like last year's 'Holiday Tree,' Bush and his Christian soldiers have been happy to ram Christianity down the throats of every Jew and Muslim in America) but suddenly they get all weak-kneed at the prospect of sharing the joy of America's proud Judeo-Christian heritage with all those foreign infidels?

Deny me trois fois?

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