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Bush says tax increases are on the table in budget talks with Dems

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That's what the Washington Post reported today. Bush not only said he was willing to discuss everything when trying to work out a budget with Democrats in Congress, but he also specifically refused to take tax increases off the table.

Signaling a new flexibility on issues in the wake of the Democrats' wins, Bush said he is willing to discuss Democratic ideas for solving the Social Security problem, including tax increases. "I don't see how you can move forward without people feeling comfortable about putting ideas on the table," Bush said when asked about the prospect of tax increases to keep Social Security solvent. "I have made it clear that I have a way forward that can do it [without raising taxes] and I want to hear other people's opinions."
Sure, Bush said he "has a way" to avoid tax increases, but he didn't say no when asked directly and given the chance. That's news, and telling. It's also the final nail in the coffin of Bush's conservatism. Now everyone hates him.

And Bush is right to leave tax increases on the table. He and the 'credit card' Republicans in Congress turned a historic budget surplus into a massive deficit. We won't be able to afford Bush's Pet War, let alone paying off all of our debt to the Communist Chinese (yeah, the Republicans didn't bother telling you who was buying up all of their debt), unless we do something to get America's piggy bank, and Republican piggy spending, under control. And with Bush and McCain planning on sending even more American troops to die needlessly in Iraq, it's not awfully clear how we can afford any of this for much longer.

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