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Wal-Mart selling Nazi paraphernalia

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Reportedly, Wal-Mart pulled its SS shirts, but now we find out they didn't. Hope this isn't a sign of Wal-Mart moving even further to the anti-gay right. We know the religious right has been boycotting Wal-Mart forever because - get this - Wal-Mart isn't conservative ENOUGH (that's after Wal-Mart openly discriminated against people with disabilities, and so much more). Well, the Nazis sent gays to concentration camps to be exterminated, along with Jews, people with disabilities, gypsies and others - they even put pink triangles on the gays. Wonder if this is anti-gay enough to appease the hate-groups trying to curry favor with Wal-Mart?

Here is a copy of the SS Totenkopf logo on the top of a book at the particular SS unit.

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