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Anti-"gay marriage" stance sinks yet another Republican

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This is the third story this past week about how the religious right anti-"gay marriage" juggernaut has actually hurt Republican candidates. First it was Virginia (where an anti-gay ballot initiative may have cost George Allen the election, and Republicans the US Senate) and Wisconsin, now it's New York, where an anti-gay member of Congress lost her seat, quite likely because of her support for the anti-gay Federal Marriage Amendment.

From the NY Daily News:

GOP Rep. Sue Kelly won't leave office until January, but she may have ended her political career Sept. 30, 2004. That was the day she voted for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage – and caught the attention of a Westchester County constituent, Adam Rose....

[I]n September, he called Majority Action. "I'm this guy in New York you've never heard of and I want to do anything I can to beat Sue Kelly," he recalled saying. "I'm sending you $500,000. I need your address."
Of course, a part of me still thinks Hall won because people thought they was the other half of Hall & Oates :-)

Oh yeah, then there's this from Kelly's campaign consultant:
Majority Action... hit her for taking contributions from oil companies. The group also linked her to the scandal over former Florida GOP Rep. Mark Foley's relationship with teenage pages.

"They were basically calling her a coddler of pedophiles," her campaign consultant, Jay Townsend, said bitterly. "It was legal, but it was filthy politics..."
Boo frigging hoo. Too bad Sue Kelly wasn't as concerned about dirty filthy politics when she tried to make an entire class of human beings second-class citizens, all for political gain.

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