The White House edited EPA press releases about air quality to make them sound more reassuring, and Christine Todd Whitman put out releases saying the air quality was fine when all the tests weren't even in yet. And guess what, the air wasn't fine at all. And now, 25% of the NYC fire department has respiratory problems because the White House lied to New York policemen and firemen and others who ran to Ground Zero to help on that horrible day.
Rudy Giuliani refused to talk to 60 Minutes about the story.
So, basically, George Bush and the Republicans intentionally and negligently put our 9/11 heroes at risk of their lives. Then again, they did the same to 150,000 members of our military, so why not another couple of tens of thousands in New York as well? Republicans are so arrogant that they think you can't handle the truth. They are the only ones qualified to decide about your health, your bedroom, and whether you live or die.
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60 Minutes: Bush White House lied to 9/11 first responders about air quality
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