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Boston Globe blasts Romney over Catholic Charities homophobia

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Boston Globe:

Nearly a half-century ago, John Kennedy challenged bias against the Catholic Church. Now, Romney is defending bias from the Catholic Church. Romney works for all the people of Massachusetts. It is a shame to see him doing exactly what Kennedy forswore nearly a half-century ago: accepting instructions on public policy from the pope.
And what's also a shame is that the once-respected Catholic Charities is now nothing more than a haven for gay-hating bigots. Catholic Charities has long been welcomed to the progressive table in DC politics, attending meetings with other liberal groups, etc. No more.

Next time a Catholic Charities representative tries to attend a meeting of liberal advocacy groups, someone should show the homophobic bigot the door - preferably a gay parent. These sorry excuses for human beings would rather leave orphaned children homeless than let them be adopted by loving gay parents.

Catholic Charities is homophobia. Do not support them any longer.

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