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Financial Times reports on Amanpour spy story

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Finally someone in the media who knows how to take a story seriously. From London's Financial Times:

Who is tuning in to CNN's Amanpour?

Is the scandal over the Bush administration's domestic spying about to get even more scandalous?


The prospect of the Bush administration listening in on Amanpour is interesting on many levels. As CNN's chief international correspondent, she has worked all over the world, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel and Pakistan.

But tapping her phones and computers might yield far more.

She also happens to be married to Jamie Rubin, who was a top aide to Madeleine Albright, secretary of state during the Clinton years. More recently, he worked on foreign policy issues for John Kerry's presidential campaign.

Stay tuned to NBC -- or maybe CNN -- for more details.
(Hat tip to a reader in DC with no ties to the administration :-)

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