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When is Cheney going to call the Iraqi government on their support of terrorism?

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Today, the front page of the Washington Post has the story of Dick Cheney's speech trashing war opponents yesterday. Cheney has become the administration's tough guy on this. The Post writes:

He added that to begin withdrawing from Iraq now, as some lawmakers have suggested, "would be a victory for the terrorists."
Yet, yesterday, as John notes in the posts below, the Iraqi government said just that yesterday. And worse, the Iraqi government made it very clear they do not consider violence against US troops to be acts of terrorism:
In Egypt, the final communique's attempt to define terrorism omitted any reference to attacks against U.S. or Iraqi forces. Delegates from across the political and religious spectrum said the omission was intentional. They spoke anonymously, saying they feared retribution.

"Though resistance is a legitimate right for all people, terrorism does not represent resistance. Therefore, we condemn terrorism and acts of violence, killing and kidnapping targeting Iraqi citizens and humanitarian, civil, government institutions, national resources and houses of worships," the document said.
So, resistance against US forces is legitimate and it's not terror. Nice government we installed over there. These are the people we're supposed to be fighting for.

Murtha keeps referring to the Iraqi poll that says 80% of Iraqis want the US gone and 45% thinks it's legitimate to attack US forces. Now, we know their government feels the same way.

Where is the official US outrage? The Bush/Rove/Cheney team are willing to eviscerate and smear Americans who question their war policy. They are letting the Iraqi government sanction the killing of our soldiers. That has got to be the ultimate undermining of our troops.

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