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Dear MSM, I DARE you to comprehend the full impact of today's story that Iraq wants us to withdraw

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ABC News this morning ran the story about Dick Cheney slamming Dems for wanting to withdraw, then they had a small snipped about "oh yeah, the Iraqi government wants us out too" and I don't believe ABC even got the fact that the Iraqi government just gave their seal of approval to terrorist acts against US troops.

Rather than just run more Cheney stories, the real story here is now Bush and Cheney and the congressional GOP vs. the elected Iraqi government. Does Jean Schmidt think they're cowards for cutting and running? Does Dick Cheney think they want to simply help the terrorists?

The Bush administration has said repeatedly that if the elected Iraqi government wanted us out, we'd leave. They now want us out. That is a MASSIVE story.

I'm heading to the airport. Let's see if the MSM surprises me and actually gets the gravity of this earthquake by the time I arrive in Chicago.

Tick tock, tick tock...

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