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Out a CIA agent, keep your job but talk to the media and you are fired

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Poor Karl was embarrassed after the Washington Post wrote an article last week about his tax and voting status in DC and Texas. The long and short of it is that Rove was getting a tax break for his DC house which was technically not allowed since he claimed Texas to be his primary residence. The Texas address that he uses as his primary residence is actually a rental property and locals have never seen him there. The end result was that Rove had to pay some back taxes and Elizabeth Reyes, an attorney for the Texas Secretary of State, suggested that such a case could be considered voter fraud.

Reyes was then terminated by the state of Texas for speaking with the media, claiming that she violated the media policy of the department. So the lesson to be learned here is that it's perfectly OK to out a CIA agent and work for the president though telling the truth about Rove will get you sacked. Hmm.

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