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CNN picks up White House cronyism and pork story

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Josh Marshall has talked a lot about Joe Allbaugh, former FEMA director and friend of Bush and Brownie on TPM but finally CNN is also picking up the ugly story about the close ties between the White House and lucrative government contracts. Allbaugh quit FEMA to cash in on Iraq contracts and now has jumped to the front of the line for government contracts for rebuilding NOLA. It's interesting to see that these so-called fans of democracy and freedom have also removed the minimum wage laws for the hurricane area, making me wonder how locals are supposed to pick themselves up with their bootstraps, when there aren't any bootstraps available. Maybe they're once again not interested in hiring locals though because if Iraq is the model, cheap labor will be hired from around the world to take the jobs that will have no benefits or protection while locals only look on wondering about jobs and unemployment.

Some group of patriots we have, isn't it?

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