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Open thread - Ignore that absurd story about Bush and Cheney being indicted

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Sorry gang, but I just had to mass delete a bunch of comments linking to a ridiculous conspiratorial story about RoveGate that said Bush and Cheney were indicted, or something bizarre like that. The story is absurd - it even said Fitzgerald was investigating Bush and Clinton for drug-running, or something like that. I simply won't have that kind of garbage on this blog because people will read it and believe it, and that's not fair to them or to me (as I surely don't want to be the "source" for garbage like that).

Unfortunately, the easiest way to avoid someone else reading the links to the story and thinking it's real - I'm already getting emails from people asking if it's real - was to delete the links then tell folks about it here. So here you are. Ignore that story.

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